Let's take a tour of Rosen-LightSail!
Support Growing Readers
Excellent content shouldn't come at a high price. That's why the Rosen-LightSail Library is free for all of our schools. Through Rosen-LightSail we give students and educators access to thousands of outstanding fiction and nonfiction texts—at no additional cost and with unlimited copies.
Progress monitoring is embedded into daily practice in a natural way. Students answer multiple-choice, written-response, and Cloze assessments throughout each text. As student ability grows, Rosen-LightSail tracks achievement and updates the selections in each reader’s library.
Starting with an initial adaptive assessment, Rosen-LightSail automatically creates personalized libraries for each of your students based on their reading abilities. These libraries adapt as students grow, ensuring they are already reading "just right" books.
Rosen-LightSail is designed to tackle the logistical burden of differentiation in the ELA classroom, so teachers can focus on what really matters—targeted instruction.
Great support is a key factor in the success of any technology you bring into your classroom. Your digital transition takes you into new territory and we want to make sure you have everything you need.